
Since 1998, Tim Colby Multimedia & Photography has provided personalized service to small businesses.

Who is Tim Colby?

I started working on vector graphics back in 1992 when the IBM 486sx system my family bought came packaged with CorelDRAW 3.  I guess you can say I was hooked, because I still use CorelDRAW today, along with a full suite of Adobe design software.  I like to do most things for myself, so keeping up with graphics has been a personal challenge.

I’m lucky enough to have built a black and white photo darkroom with some friends while in school and that matured into full-time study.  In 1998, I completed the Commercial Photography program at Dawson College and I have been exploring photography ever since.

Over the years, I’ve extended my skills on multiple projects and now I work mostly with Web technologies like HTML5, XML, CSS3, PHP, Bootstrap, jQuery, MySQL, JavaScript and such…

I do not work exclusively in these fields, as I am also a Senior Systems Integrator for ConnecTalk Consulting Services where I use my skills on a range of projects including wireless networking, telephony and mobility.