With keyboard and mouse support on Xbox, Microsoft closes the gap on PCs
Source: With keyboard and mouse support on Xbox, Microsoft closes the gap on PCs
Source: With keyboard and mouse support on Xbox, Microsoft closes the gap on PCs
Wi-Fi 6 is part of a new naming approach by Wi-Fi Alliance that provides users with an easy-to-understand designation for both the Wi-Fi technology supported by their device and used in a connection the device makes with a Wi-Fi network.
Is Gutenberg the right way forward for WordPress? In this post, Iain takes a look at the Gutenberg editor & its inevitable impact on users.
Source: Is Gutenberg the End or a New Beginning for WordPress?
If you are in need of better home wireless and have considered or tried ’boosters’ already, this is a much better alternative. Multiple access points linked together to make one network. Not enterprise-grade, but probably the next best thing.
Google Wi-Fi lets you stream in the living room or game in the playroom, without a battle for bandwidth.
Read our guide to the best 3D printer filament types, with handy comparison charts! Learn about PLA, ABS, PETG, metal, wood and 20 more.
Source: 25 Best 3D Printer Filament Types & Comparison Charts | All3DP
The themes outlined for WordPress 4.9 are “editing code, managing plugins and themes, a user-centric way to customize a site, and polishing some recently added features over this last year.”
Source: Code Editing Improvements in WordPress 4.9 – Make WordPress Core